Saturday, January 29, 2011

new song - "Chandelier"

Ok, so we've had a slight change of plans. We're still in the process of mixing the last few songs, but we have about 80% of the album done, so Zane and I decided we're going to post a song every week until all 10 songs of Beer Can Superstar are up here to download. So without further ado, here's a song.


PS - we're getting a band together to play some shows either spring or summer, so be ready for some eargasms.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thank you everyone that listened to Mood Painting.
It's been a cold & boring couple of months.
Although I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
So for your daily inspiration.
The snow sucks but it melts & then comes spring, then summer.
The band is stuck in the grogginess of winter, just like you.
Then it all melts.
Then zt is back spreading our wings as we fly through summer (after spring, of course).


Monday, January 17, 2011


hey guys...
We've got a present for you. Let's call it a single. It's called "Mood Painting".
There you go, enjoy.
Spreading the word of course is always allowed.
Thanks to Friends & Fans.

Matt Conner Art

Happy Times


Sunday, January 16, 2011

recording this weekend went awesome. all we have left is the mixing which we should get done within a week or two. after that, we have one song left we want to finish up, then we'll be getting the album up on here.

the studio was amazing. i have no idea how much money has gone into it; almost every piece of equipment in there cost thousands of dollars. it was unreal to have so much at your disposal-any sound we wanted to get, there was something there that could get us that sound. plus, working with dave was really easy---no problems with ideas or communication, like we've had before. he was open to our ideas, and we were open to his. it was a good atmosphere to work in. the highlight of the whole process so far was probably during recording for see you later-- we did an auxiliary track of claps and random yells with a couple friends, just four of us stomping and clapping and yelling whatever we felt like. i loved it.

anyway, we're still here and we're getting very close to completion. keep checking in and we will actually have some music up soon.


p.s. - the album is going to be called "beer can superstar"

Thursday, January 13, 2011

so it's 3:00 am and i probably should be in bed, but i'm not. i'm too excited about recording Friday to sleep. but i drank a red bull earlier... so maybe this late night post is more caffeine-induced than anything else.

we're recording three songs if all goes to plan, but we're under time restraints, so we'll see. either way, i think it's going to be a good time and we're gonna have some good stuff to put up here soon. i like the way things have been shaping up so far. anyway, an album of about 10 songs (not 6-7 like i said before, sorry), some recorded by zane and i, some recorded with dave, should be on here sometime within the next two months.

see you later...


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ladies & Gentlemen

740LOCAL RAPPER__Haze__ did his thing in our studio. So listen to it you'll like it.

Haze ___ This is Me


Sunday, January 9, 2011

here we come..

okay, so here we go. we're zt, two brothers from ohio. we're currently recording in our basement and have some studio time booked with Sir David Morckle, so within a month or two we should have at least 6-7 songs to put up here. in the meantime, i'll check in every few days and muse on whatever bullshit pops into my head (or zane's), if anyone cares. hopefully you'll get an idea of who these two crazy kooks from ohio are. first factoid- i don't have a favorite color.

see you guys soon,

Friday, January 7, 2011

Welcome to nothing.

Hello! Is there anybody there?
No. Nope. Nobody.
Ok. Fine. Good.