Friday, June 17, 2011

Has anyone leaked BCS? How hasn't that happened yet?

Monday, June 13, 2011

These Guys

 (Seth Conner, Scott McCambridge, Ryan Shreve, Matt Koufman)
Q: This picture needs some explanation, can you explain?
A:Sure. Seth Conner is a friend and a million. One hell of a drummer. His Older brother Matt lives in Japan now. Matt does art for us(zt) like our band zt. The man to Seth's right Scott McCambridge. Scott is a long time friend with Zach and a friend to me when I grew up a bit. He wants to do a website with us and that's cool. Ryan Shreve to his left, and by left I mean right, and by right I mean left. He has put on 3 shows at his barn. Oddly enough we headlined every time! He recently made the barn a full time Jam Session. Last but not less important Matt. He is FUNNY. Also a fellow musician with a creative mind. I hope their Bonnaroo was great. I know it was.
Q: Thanks?
A: You're welcome?

Monday, June 6, 2011