Wednesday, February 23, 2011

1st show

we've got our first show as zt lined up. we'll be playing march 19th at the Fraternal of Eagles, located at 67 1/2 West Washington St. in Nelsonville, Ohio. our main man scott mccambridge set it up for his birthday, and its going to be a good time.

we've got a bit of a line-up change for the band, too: dave will still be playing bass, but jake unfortunately had too much life going on, so we had to find a new rhythm guitarist. so, we got our buddy clint smith to play. if anybody was a fan of ours during our time in pup the rabbit, they'll know he used to play with us. he's a great musician and i'm glad he'll be playing with us for at least a show, hopefully more will follow.

in conclusion, SHOW MARCH 19TH! clear your calendars, save up $2 (that's all the cover charge is!), and come have a great night listening to some good music to celebrate scott's successful emergence from the womb!

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