Thursday, February 10, 2011

When You're Spinning

another week is almost over (here in athens, the week is over). so it's time for another song. this one is called "When You're Spinning". it starts slow and builds as it goes, so make sure you stick around until the end.

When You're Spinning by we-are-zt

and now, for something completely different. (but not really.)

we're going to be jamming with jake sulzer and david morckel in the very near future to work out playing this album live, which i'm pumped about. it's a completely different experience from being in pup the rabbit, where we wrote everything together and built each song specifically to be played live. for beer can superstar, since it was only zane and i for the most part, we couldn't approach song-writing in the same way. instead, we had to start with a bare-bongs song and build it up from there. now we have to go back and teach jake and dave the songs and get into a groove as a unit so we can not only play the songs live but put on an entertaining live show. i'm excited for the new challenge, so get excited for some shows soon!

p.s. as soon as we finish up BCS, we'll be starting work on our next album.

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